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Preserving South Dakota Values

Good afternoon District 27. A cornerstone of my campaign is to preserve South Dakota values. I will vote "NO" this November on the following initiated measures, proposed amendments, and referred law. I will explain why I plan to vote "NO" on these ballot measures in a future posting. The bottom line is that South Dakota is starting to look politically more like Colorado, Minnesota, and California.

Remember the summer of love in Minneapolis where BLM burned down to the ground businesses and the governor refused to do anything about it? Remember when the National Guard was put on high alert to protect businesses in Sioux Falls from being destroyed by the BLM woke mob? Ever wonder why more people and businesses moved out of the State of California in the last four years than moved in? Have you been downtown Denver lately with all the marijuana dispensaries now ruining the once-historical parts of the downtown that even the Denver City Council is now putting a cap on the number of dispensaries that can be allowed? This November South Dakotans need to push back on the radical out-of-state agenda that is quickly coming to South Dakota. However, to preserve our South Dakota values, everyone needs to vote "NO" on these measures. South Dakotans get accused of not being progressive enough. What is so "progressive" about supporting these measures? I would argue, South Dakotans do know what is best for us. Our values are grounded on traditional values that have been passed down from one generation to another. As the ol' saying goes, "If it ain't broken, why fix it?" God bless.

South Dakotans Vote NO in November



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